
Tijekom rada na Hašeku, autori su objavili veći broj znanstvenih i stručnih radova:

  1. Gledec, Gordan; Sokele, Mladen; Horvat, Marko; Mikuc, Miljenko. Error Pattern Discovery in Spellchecking Using Multi-Class Confusion Matrix Analysis for the Croatian Language // Computers (Basel), 13 (2024), 2; 39, 23. doi: 10.3390/computers13020039
  2. Gledec, Gordan ; Horvat, Marko ; Mikuc, Miljenko ; Blašković, Bruno. A Comprehensive Dataset of Spelling Errors and Users’ Corrections in Croatian Language // Data, 8 (2023), 5; 89, 11. doi: 10.3390/data8050089
  3. Dembitz, Šandor. 25 godina Hašeka // Jezik : časopis za kulturu hrvatskoga književnog jezika, 66 (2019), 4-5; 138-150
  4. Gledec, Gordan; Šoić, Renato; Dembitz, Šandor. Dynamic N-Gram System Based on an Online Croatian Spellchecking Service. // IEEE Access. 7 (2019) ; 149988-149995
  5. Šoić, Renato; Vuković, Marin; Gledec, Gordan. Hrvatski n-gramski sustav // The 16th Conference of the Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association (SCLC-2019), Book of Abstracts, pp. 54-55, 12-14 Oct 2019, Harvard University, SAD
  6. Dembitz, Šandor. Strojna obrada hrvatskog jezika – mađarski doprinosi // Kolo : časopis Matice hrvatske, 4 (2017), 108-122
  7. Srdić, Ivan; Gledec, Gordan. Contextual Spellchecking Based on N-grams // Proceedings of the Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems / Strahonja, Vjeran ; Kirinić, Valentina (ur.). Varaždin: Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, 2017. str. 29-33
  8. Dembitz, Šandor; Gledec, Gordan; Sokele, Mladen. An economic approach to big data in a minority language. // Procedia Computer Science. 35 (2014) ; 427-436
  9. Dembitz, Šandor; Blašković, Bruno; Gledec, Gordan. Croatian Language N-Gram System. // Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications. 243 (2012) ; 696-705
  10. Jurić, Damir; Banek, Marko; Dembitz, Šandor. Informativeness of Inflective Noun Bigrams in Croatian. // Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence / Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7327 (2012) ; 114-123
  11. Šandor Dembitz. Funkcionalna leksikografija mrežnoga pravopisnog provjernika. // Filologija : časopis Razreda za filološke znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. 58 (2012) ; 55-98
  12. Dembitz, Šandor; Randić, Mirko; Gledec, Gordan. Advantages of online spellchecking : a Croatian example. // Software, practice & experience. 41 (2011) , 11; 1203-1231
  13. Dembitz, Šandor; Pavlek, Jakov; Stupar, Dejan. Problem stranih imena kod strojne tvorbe govora na hrvatskome // Proizvodnja i percepcija govora / Mildner, Vesna ; Liker, Marko (ur.). Zagreb : FF-press, 2010. Str. 406-417.
  14. Dembitz, Šandor; Gledec, Gordan; Randić, Mirko. Spellchecker // Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering ; Vol. 5 / Wah, Benjamin W. (ur.). Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009. Str. 2793-2804.
  15. Dembitz, Šandor; Gledec, Gordan; Blašković, Bruno. Architecture of Hascheck – An Intelligent Spellchecker for Croatian Language. // Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. 6277 (2010) ; 292-301
  16. Pavlek, Jakov; Dembitz, Šandor; Matasić, Marko. Improved Methods of Word Acquisition in developing Hascheck Spell Checker Web Service System // X International PhD Workshop OWD 2008 / Grzegorz Kłapyta (ur.). Gliwice, Poland : PTETiS, 2008. 029-034
  17. Dembitz, Šandor; Knežević, Petar; Sokele, Mladen. Developing a Spell Checker as an Expert System. Journal of Computing and Information Technology – CIT 11, 2004, 4, 285–291 285
  18. Dembitz, Šandor; Knežević, Petar; Sokele, Mladen. Knowledge Acquisition and Energy: A Case Study.  The 21st IASTED International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics (AI 2003), February 10-13, 2003, Innsbruck, Austria
  19. Dembitz, Šandor; Sokele, Mladen. O jednom temeljnom pitanju izgradnje ekspertnih sustava // CASE 12 – Metode i alati za projektiranje Informacijskih sustava / Pavlić, Mile ; Polonijo, Ante ; Polonijo, Mislav ; Tomić, Silvana (ur.). Rijeka, 2000. str. 179-190
  20. Dembitz, Šandor; Knežević, Petar; Sokele, Mladen. Five Years of Hascheck // International Conference on Software in Telecommunications and Computer Networks – SoftCOM ´99 / Rožić, Nikola ; Begušić, Dinko ; Pavelin, Ivan ; Burmaz, Branimir (ur.).
  21. Dembitz, Šandor ; Knežević, Petar ; Sokele, Mladen. Hascheck – The Croatian Academic Spelling Checker // Applications and Innovations in Expert Systems IV / Milne, Robert ; Macintosh, Ann ; Bremer, Max (ur.). London : Berlin : Heidelberg : New York (NY) : Barcelona : Hong Kong: Springer, 1999. str. 184-197-x
  22. Dembitz, Šandor; Knežević, Petar; Sokele, M. Learning Words: a Cognoelectrical Analogy // Pre-Proceedings of the AICS ’98. Dublin : AICS, 1998. 19-21
  23. Dembitz, Šandor; Sokele, Mladen. Computational proofreading of the Croatian lexicon. MELECON ’98. 9th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. Proceedings (Cat. No.98CH36056), Tel Aviv, Izrael
  24. Dembitz, Šandor; Sokele, M. Usporedba hrvatskih spelling checkera // Zbornik radova SoftCOM ’97. Split-Bari-Dubrovnik : SoftCOM, 1997. 191-199 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,objavljeni rad). Split : FESB, University of Split, 1999. 299-307